Frequently Asked Questions

What is coaching?

My own Coaching definition is:

“A dynamic partnership between the client and the coach within a safe learning environment that empowers the client to explore their goals, address any obstacles, and take actions to move forward and maximise their own potential”

The European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC 2015), with whom I hold accreditation, defines a coach as:

A professional accredited coach is an expert in establishing a relationship with people in a series of conversations with the purpose of:

  • Serving the clients to improve their performance or enhance their personal development or both, choosing their own goals and ways of doing it
  • Interacting with each person or group by applying one or more relevant methods, according to standards and ethical principles set up by EMCC and other professional associations.
What is mentoring?

Mentoring is described as a developmental process which involves a transfer of skill or knowledge through learning, dialogue and role modelling from a more experienced person to a less experienced person (European Coaching and Mentoring Council 2015).

Mentoring differs to coaching in that it is most useful when you, or a member of your team or organisation, has identified a specific requirement to work with a more experienced person at an advanced level.

I have outlined my areas of expertise in the ‘About Me’ page that I can utilise and share within our mentoring sessions.

How are these different to counselling or therapy?

Executive coaching and mentoring focus on identifying and clarifying your professional and personal goals and actions that will enhance your performance, utilising your strengths and resources to reach your full potential.

Counselling and therapy refer to a process of engaging with a clinician with the purpose of healing, addressing issues from the past and applying specific clinical practices to reach your personal goals and mental wellbeing.

Is there evidence that these programs work?


McLean, Affiliate of the Harvard Medical School outlines the benefits as:

For the individual –

establishes and takes action towards achieving goals; becomes more self- reliant; gain more satisfaction (work and life); contributes more effectively to the organisation and team; takes greater responsibility and accountability for actions and commitments; works more productively; and communicates more effectively.

For the organisation –

empowers people to take responsibility; increases engagement; improves performance; identifies and develops high potential employees; identifies strengths and opportunities (individuals, team, and organisation); motivates to excel; and communicates the organisations commitment to development and learning of their staff.

Many Fortune 500 companies have coaches and mentors, identifying the benefit to their organisation due to high performing team, with many examples now within healthcare, technology, government, financial and other sectors. There are numerous reports of the effectiveness of these models available through Forbes, Harvard Business Review, and other leading research stakeholders.

What happens on the 20-minute introductory call?

This call is an opportunity for us to get to know each other and create an understanding of what you require and what I can offer. I will ask some questions to find out more about you, provide you with an overview of the programmes I offer, the differences between them, terms and conditions and answer any of your questions. This call ensures you can make an informed decision about engaging with me and what type of service will best suit your current needs.

There are key ‘ingredients’ for a successful engagement in these programmes – namely:

Your own willingness to engage in the process; a good fit/feeling that we can work together, organisational and /or personal supports to facilitate your engagement.

What happens after the call?

Once we agree to work together I will send you a coaching or mentoring agreement (depending on which programmes suits your needs) with the opportunity to read through, follow up with any further questions before signing and returning it to me.

If you are being supported by your organisation to access these programmes I will send a further contract to the organisation that outlines terms and conditions, invoice, and billing arrangements.

If you are accessing the programme independent of your organisation, the terms and conditions, invoice and payment details will be sent at the same time as the contract.

Once the contract is returned to me you will be able to schedule your sessions through the link on this website here as well

Where are the coaching sessions held?

Currently, due to the pandemic, sessions are held on virtual online platform.

However, there may be opportunities in the future to change this to meeting in person if that is your personal preference and with availability of suitable space in line with any Public Health protocols to mitigate risk due to COVID 19.

What days and times can I schedule a session?

Sessions are available Monday to Friday from 7am through to 18.00 hrs. However, should you require sessions outside of these times or days it may be possible to arrange with prior notice.

How long are the coaching sessions?

A session is typically for 1 hour. However, depending on the programme identified and your needs the length of the session can be varied to suit you achieving the best outcomes.

How frequent are the sessions?

The program is tailored to each individual. Typically, it would be fortnightly sessions over a period of 6 -12 months.

Will I be expected to complete work between sessions?

There are no expectations of between sessions set by me – you are the driver, and my role is your co- pilot.

However, to get the most out of the sessions and the program I will offer you additional reading, assessment tools, and other relevant material to review and complete in your own time between sessions. Participants report how valuable these resources have been for them as additional to the sessions, allowing them to read, reflect, and complete tools in their own time, that support them move closer to their goals.

If you have any questions please fill in the form below
and I will promptly respond to your enquiry